
Convert text to calendar events | Agenda Hero

Convert text to calendar events | Agenda Hero

agendahero Introduction

Agenda Hero Magic is an AI tool that converts natural language text and images into structured calendar-ready events, helping people save time and clicks.

agendahero Features

Convert natural language text and images into calendar events

Supports various types of events like meetings, appointments, travel, etc.

Compatible with Google Calendar, Apple, Outlook, Office 365, Yahoo, and more

Chrome extension for easy text and image conversion

Supports recurring events and different time zones

Ability to invite people to events

Shareable event links

Modify event details including title, date, time, location, and description

agendahero Frequently Asked Questions

How do I ask for event duration?

Ask in whatever way feels natural to you. You can ask for specific start and end times, such as 11 am to 1 pm. Or you can include a start time with a duration, such as 2pm for 90 minutes.

How about time zones?

If the event you’re creating is in a different time zone than the one you’re in, simply include the event time zone in your prompt. We’ll convert it for you.

What about recurring events?

Daily, weekly, every-other-week, monthly, and annual recurrence events are supported. Some calendar platforms only copy the first date of the recurrence, but you can modify it on your calendar platform before saving the event.

Can I invite people to events?

When you add the event to your calendar, you have the full functionality of your calendar, including the ability to invite people.

Can I share the results?

If you know someone who would like to add the same events to their calendars, you can generate a link to the results and share that link with them. You’ll find this option at the bottom of your results.

Can I create more than one event?

You can create multiple events from a single prompt request (text or image) or by selecting multiple events at once, such as in a newsletter.

Can I create events from images?

You can create events from images, including screenshots. Open the side panel by clicking on the extension, select the image. Upload or drag a photo into the image area, click Create.

Can I include hyperlinks?

If you select or add text with URLs, the URLs will be included in the description. This lets you have everything you need for your event in one place.

Can results be modified?

You can modify any results field, including the title, date, time, location, description, and emoji. We encourage you to review the results, as AI can make mistakes.

agendahero Price Strategy

Is there a free trial: Not mentioned

Strategy: Not mentioned

agendahero Target People

Individuals looking to streamline the process of adding events to their calendars