Home - PolyAI

The world's only customer-led conversational platform for enterprise.

Home - PolyAI

poly Introduction

PolyAI offers a voice assistant solution that helps businesses answer FAQs and provide customer support through natural conversations. The platform integrates with existing technology and aims to improve customer experience while reducing call volume and increasing revenue. PolyAI is designed for enterprise use, with a focus on security, integrations, and real-time analytics.

poly Features

Answer FAQs through natural conversations

Integrate with existing technology easily

Improve customer experience and increase revenue

Real-time analytics for insights and performance monitoring

poly Frequently Asked Questions

What is PolyAI for FAQs?

PolyAI helps businesses answer FAQs before they're escalated to an agent by understanding complex queries, offering personalized responses, and integrating with various systems.

What can a customer-led voice assistant do for FAQs?

A customer-led voice assistant can understand complex queries, offer personalized responses, send digital resources via SMS, and hand over information to agent desktops for faster resolution.

How does PolyAI help businesses improve customer experience?

PolyAI allows customers to speak naturally, interrupt, and change topics during conversations, providing a personalized touch while delivering automated service.

poly Price Strategy

Is there a free trial: No

Strategy: Priced on a per-minute basis with included support, data security, uptime SLA, and system upgrades

poly Target People

Businesses looking to enhance customer support and automate FAQ responses